This laser treatment targets visible vessels and facial redness using Cutera’s Excel V™ laser. This includes facial telangiectasia, rosacea, scarring as well as spider and leg veins and poikiloderma. It will repair, restore and deliver a brighter more even tone complexion and is best for clients looking to address facial redness and/or vessels of concern.
The laser uses light energy to target hemoglobin (blood) chromophores in the visible vessels. This forces them to coagulate and diminish.
For many visible vessels a single treatment is normally sufficient. For larger areas 1-3 treatments spaced four weeks apart may be required. It’s always best to book a skin consultation to receive your own personalised treatment plan.
Downtime: Varies
Pain: Minimal
Treatment time: From 30 minutes
Cost: Yads will tailor your treatment to your unique goals, so pricing varies depending on the individual.
The most commonly asked for laser vein treatment areas are below:
1-2 vessels $75.00, 3-5 vessels $135.00, 6-10 vessels $195.00
Face, one third: $300.00
Face, two thirds: $400
Full face: $450.00
All treatments include a $50 LED light therapy treatment to speed up recovery time.