Laser Genesis™ is your one-stop shop for reducing skin redness, managing rosacea, shrinking pores, boosting collagen, smoothing wrinkles, scarring and evening out your skin tone including post inflammatory erythema and pigmentation – minus the pain and the downtime.
It’s a laser that gently delivers pulses of light energy that heat the upper dermis, (the layer of your skin where your collagen lives) by distributing thousands of micro pulses.
As the dermis heats up, it triggers your body’s natural healing response, which stimulates the production of new collagen. And increased collagen production? Plumps up your skin, reduces the appearance of ageing and improves your overall skin health! The heat from the laser can also constrict blood vessels, which helps to diminish redness associated with rosacea, scarring and other conditions.
There are two different Genesis options in clinic; Red which uses a (1064nm) wavelength and Green that utilises a (532nm) wavelength. Suitability for which wavelength is required for your skin will be determined by Yads at time of treatment.
FYI Green Genesis targets the above signs alongside superficial redness pigmentation and sun damage. Green Genesis is suitable only for lighter Fitzpatrick skin types and non-melasma types of pigmentation.
Laser Genesis™ is an amazing treatment by itself but even better when combined with other treatment modalities such as chemical peels and LED light therapy as this will help target multiple concerns, including active acne at the same time and speed up results. Laser Genesis™ can be used for areas of the face, neck, décolletage and body.
Downtime: No
Pain: Minimal
Treatment time: From 30 minutes
Cost: $425.00 Laser Genesis™ (1064nm) or green Genesis™ (532nm). Incl Healite LED Light Therapy Treatment
$450 incl. chemical peel and Healite LED Light Therapy Treatment
$600 Laser Genesis™ (1064nm) + Green Genesis™ (532nm) combo incl. LED Light Therapy treatment
$650 Laser Genesis™ + Dermapen 4 Skin Needling
Neck/dec add on $150